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Can You Watch The Ring Of Fire Eclipse Without Glasses

See the Eclipse Safely with a Colander

Using a Colander as an Eclipse Viewer

With the highly anticipated solar eclipse approaching, many people are scrambling to find ways to view it safely. While eclipse glasses are the most popular option, there are other methods available, including using a colander. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use a colander to view the eclipse:

Step 1: Position the Colander

Hold the colander about 20 inches above the ground with your palms facing up. Position one hand over the other at a 90-degree angle.

Step 2: Create the Projection

Open your fingers slightly in a waffle pattern to create small holes. Allow sunlight to stream through the spaces onto a piece of paper or cardstock that is placed on the ground.

The colander acts like a pinhole camera, projecting the image of the sun onto the paper. However, instead of multiple holes, it uses just one large hole with multiple smaller holes within it.

Step 3: Face Away from the Sun

Position yourself with your back facing the sun. This will allow you to see the projected image of the eclipse on the paper without looking directly at the sun.

Remember, it's never safe to look directly at the sun during an eclipse or any other time. Always wear certified solar viewing glasses or use an indirect viewing method like a colander.
